
关于好莱坞扑克帐户的重要新闻 我们非常高兴欢迎所有好莱坞扑克到RedKings扑克室。好莱坞扑克决定不继续提供在线扑克游戏,并从今日起,所有好莱坞扑克帐户已移至RedKings扑克,Ongame扑克网络的领先博彩公司之一。 在RedKings.com可以访问相同的扑克桌子,和你在好莱坞扑克一样都在Ongame扑克网络上。您还将获得其他RedKings的尖端产品,包括接近100万美元高额积宝的赌场,以及体育博彩庄家BetRedKings.com提供每月超过2000现场滚球赛事。 在RedKings扑克,你会得到以下特殊特别优待: 花红高达500美元,8 pp/美元释放,25美元增量支付。这花红可以令人难以置信的快速完成投注量!比赛抽水1美元=3.6-花红必须在60天内完成投注要求。 在这一切之上,你可以得到一个赌场$15非存款受欢迎的花红和100%的存款花红高达$30,当你第一次存钱到庄家。 - 赌场欢迎花红,在这里下载赌场软件。 - 体育投注花红,第一次存款使用代码BRKBONUS。 你不再能够登录到好莱坞扑克帐户。您的帐户已被转移到RedKings.com,进入RedKings.com记录好莱坞扑克的用户名和密码,您可以访问它。 请我们的信息页面关于此次账户搬迁,也可以联系我们通过[email protected],多语种24/7支持 最好的问候, RedKings团队 Important News about your Hollywood Poker Account‏ We are very excited to welcome all Hollywood Poker Players to RedKings. Hollywood Poker decided not to continue offering online poker and starting from today all Hollywood Poker accounts have been moved to RedKings Poker, one of the Ongame Poker Network’s leading gaming companies. With RedKings.com you can access the same Poker tables as you did with Hollywood Poker on the Ongame Poker Network. You will also get access to RedKings’s other cutting-edge products, including the casino with close to $1,000,000 in jackpots, as well as the sportsbook BetRedKings.com offering more than 2000 live events each month. In RedKingspoker, you will get the following special deal: A bonus of up to $500 which clears at 8 pp/$ and is paid in increments of $25. This bonus is incredibly fast to clear! $1 in tournament rake = 3.6 pp. The bonus needs to be cleared in 60 days. On top of all this, you can get a $15 non-deposit welcome bonus to casino and a 100% deposit bonus up to $30 (欧元25, £20) when you transfer money the first time to the sportsbook. - For the Casino Welcome Bonus, just download the Casino software here. - For the betting bonus, use code BRKBONUS when doing your first transfer. You are no longer able to log in to your Hollywood Poker account. Your account has been moved to RedKings.com and you can access it by just logging into RedKings.com with your Hollywood Poker username and password. Please check out our information page for all the information about the move to RedKings.You can also contact our multi-lingual 24/7 support at [email protected] Best regards, Team RedKings 好莱坞扑克账户千艺到了redkings扑克室关于好莱坞扑克帐户的重要新闻我们非常高兴欢迎所有好莱坞扑克到RedKings扑克室。好莱坞扑克决定不继续提供在线扑克游戏,并从今日起,所有好莱坞扑克帐户已移至RedKings扑克,Ongame扑克网络的领先博彩公司之一。在RedKings.com可以访问相同的扑克桌子,和你在好莱坞扑克一样都在Ongame扑克网络上。您还将获得其他RedKings的尖端产品,包括接近100万美元高额积宝的赌场,以及体育博彩庄家BetRedKings.com提供每月超过2000现场滚球赛事。在RedKings扑克,你会得到以下特殊特别优待:花红高达500美元,8 pp/美元释放,25美元增量支付。这花红可以令人难以置信的快速完成投注量!比赛抽水1美元=3.6-花红必须在60天内完成投注要求。在这一切之上,你可以得到一个赌场$15非存款受欢迎的花红和100%的存款花红高达$30,当你第一次存钱到庄家。- 赌场欢迎花红,在这里下载赌场软件。- 体育投注花红,第一次存款使用代码BRKBONUS。你不再能够登录到好莱坞扑克帐户。您的帐户已被转移到RedKings.com,进入RedKings.com记录好莱坞扑克的用户名和密码,您可以访问它。请我们的信息页面关于此次账户搬迁,也可以联系我们通过[email protected],多语种24/7支持最好的问候,RedKings团队Important News about your Hollywood Poker Account‏We are very excited to welcome all Hollywood Poker Players to RedKings. Hollywood Poker decided not to continue offering online poker and starting from today all Hollywood Poker accounts have been moved to RedKings Poker, one of the Ongame Poker Network’s leading gaming companies.With RedKings.com you can access the same Poker tables as you did with Hollywood Poker on the Ongame Poker Network. You will also get access to RedKings’s other cutting-edge products, including the casino with close to $1,000,000 in jackpots, as well as the sportsbook BetRedKings.com offering more than 2000 live events each month.In RedKingspoker, you will get the following special deal:A bonus of up to $500 which clears at 8 pp/$ and is paid in increments of $25. This bonus is incredibly fast to clear! $1 in tournament rake = 3.6 pp. The bonus needs to be cleared in 60 days.On top of all this, you can get a $15 non-deposit welcome bonus to casino and a 100% deposit bonus up to $30 (欧元25, £20) when you transfer money the first time to the sportsbook.- For the Casino Welcome Bonus, just download the Casino software here.- For the betting bonus, use code BRKBONUS when doing your first transfer.You are no longer able to log in to your Hollywood Poker account. Your account has been moved to RedKings.com and you can access it by just logging into RedKings.com with your Hollywood Poker username and password.Please check out our information page for all the information about the move to RedKings.You can also contact our multi-lingual 24/7 support at [email protected]Best regards,Team RedKings